Recent Client Successes
Recent Client Successes
- Weil Advises The Home Depot in its $18.25B Acquisition of SRS
- Weil Advises BCE in C$5B Acquisition of Ziply Fiber
- Weil Advised Brookfield in $2.4B Initial Closing for Catalytic Transition Fund
- Weil Advises CPP Investments in Novolex’s $6.7 Billion Combination with Pactiv Evergreen
- Weil Advises on CMA’s Ground-breaking Clearance of the Vodafone and Three UK Joint Venture
- Weil Advises Bondholders on $23 Billion Restructuring of Ukraine’s Sovereign Debt
- Weil Guides SAS Through a Successful Emergence from Chapter 11
- Weil Helps Earn Global Regulatory Approval for Microsoft’s Acquisition of Activision Blizzard
We consider ourselves not only legal advisors but also strategic business partners to our clients, providing sound and pragmatic guidance on their most sensitive and important issues.
Read more about our approach.
Launch Your Career
Launch Your Career


Diversity, equity and inclusion have been core values since our founding. Our culture of respect and support creates an environment where all feel comfortable and encouraged to excel.
View more on our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
Pro Bono and Not-for-Profit Practices
Weil’s commitment to pro bono work is deeply ingrained in our culture. We believe that it is our obligation to volunteer our skills to those who would otherwise face severe challenges as victims of injustice or abuse without legal representation. View more information on “Our Finest Hours.”
Weil’s leadership position and longstanding expertise in counseling not-for-profit organizations is overseen and marshalled by the Firm’s Not-for-Profit Practice Group.

Social Responsibility
Weil’s industry leading social responsibility programs include year-round charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations, public-private partnerships, scholarships for higher education, nonprofit board service, and year-round volunteer opportunities.
Read more about our social responsibility program.
Well-Being at Weil
Weil is and remains committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of our attorneys and staff. In 2019, Weil signed the ABA Well-Being Pledge and formed a Health and Well-Being Committee to promote wellness at the Firm. A priority of the Health and Well-Being Committee is to deliver programs and resources that encourage everyone at Weil to live healthy and balanced lives, both personally and professionally.