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Lori Pines’ Five Thoughts for Big Law Attorneys on World Mental Health Day Published in The National Law Journal

Image of Lori Pines alongside text regarding World Mental Health Day

Chief Wellness Office Lori Pines provides timely advice for legal industry professionals in a National Law Journal article titled, “Five Thoughts for Big Law Attorneys to Consider on World Mental Health Day.”

In the piece, Lori notes that while clients rightfully expect excellence from their lawyers, the high-stakes nature of their work can affect attorneys’ mental health. She provided five pointers “for all of us to consider as we do our best to thrive throughout the year.”

Lori urges attorneys not to overlook the benefits Big Law provides for a person’s mental health, like the ability to rely on team support and mentors who can help guide younger professionals. She also notes that in order to successfully fulfill their duty to clients, it is a necessity that attorneys look after their own mental health and well-being.

Just as people would not ignore treating most physical pain, lawyers struggling with a mental health issue should seek professional help, Lori writes. She adds that “it is much more acceptable than ever to address mental health issues and nothing should stop you from getting the help you need.” For those who have discovered that Big Law is not for them, Lori points out that there are plenty of other professional opportunities for someone who is unhappy professionally to find their “bliss.”

She concludes by writing that firm leadership cares about attorney well-being more than many lawyers think as it ultimately ensures employee productivity and performance. “I [also] have real hope that law firms are finally discovering that well-being is a critical business issue that is inextricably intertwined with important firm initiatives such a greater recruitment and retention, and even better results on diversity, equity and inclusion.”

The article was published October 10 to coincide with World Mental Health Day. To read the entire article, please click here.
