Green Policy
'Green Initiative' Policy Statement
Consistent with our firm’s approach to social responsibility, Weil, Gotshal & Manges has implemented its WeilGreen Policy. The firm’s green policy has two primary goals: (a) to lessen the law firm’s impact on the environment and (b) to become a standard-bearer in the legal industry in promoting responsible stewardship toward the environment and its natural resources.
Weil has built and maintained over the years a firm culture that prizes excellence not only in the practice of law, but also in discharging the firm’s responsibility to the communities in which our lawyers and staff live and work. Our green policy is consistent with the firm’s commitment to good corporate citizenship and best management practices.
The initiative involves programs and policies in the following areas:
Document Production & Management
The WeilGreen initiative seeks to (a) decrease our consumption of paper and (b) increase our usage of paper that contains recycled content.
Energy Reduction & Conservation
Three programs on which our WeilGreen initiative has focused include (a) ENERGY STAR-compliant office equipment; (b) ENERGY STAR-compliant facilities/offices; and (c) transportation and mass transit.
Hazardous Electronic Waste
Many types of electronic products used in the workplace contain hazardous substances like lead and mercury. When these products reach the end of their useful lives or become obsolete, some are considered hazardous waste. The firm has undertaken various alternatives for disposing equipment in a responsible manner.
Vendor & Client Programs
Our WeilGreen initiative seeks to address the consumer choices we make across the breadth of our operations, from office supplies and equipment to commercial real estate. We also seek to participate in our clients’ vendor programs, wherever possible.
Educational Programs & Community Engagement Opportunities
By partnering with organizations such as the EPA ENERGY STAR program and bar associations, among others, Weil seeks to offer its employees educational and volunteer opportunities that promote energy and natural-resource conservation for both the home and office.
Pro Bono Synergies
There is a tremendous opportunity for our firm to get involved more broadly, via pro bono, in environmentally conscious projects around the world.
Office Green Committees
A key component to our WeilGreen initiative is the formation of ‘Green Committees’ in every office. The Green Committee will be responsible for promoting, implementing, monitoring, and reporting the status and progress of each office’s WeilGreen efforts.